A great building must begin with the immeasurable, must go through measurable means when it is being designed, and in the end must be unmeasured.
- Louis Kahn
At VANCHZ Architecture we view architecture as the artistic way of thinking about life, it is shared knowledge, it is cultural thinking that engages the built environment. Great architecture should include the Vitruvian qualities of “Firmitas, Utilitas at Venustas” which translate to Durable, Usable and Beautiful, and represent the cornerstone for the successful act of creating architecture. In our studio we strive to include sustainability, clarity or unambiguity, and economy to the qualities and values we stand for. Our design process evolves naturally and organically as we question and explore everything before creating something meaningful and permanent.
Our added value to the project is both tangible and intangible, with a spiritual connection between user, building and nature. Our projects are beyond shelter.